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you should make this a clan rp game

love it

standard: go to quiverpaw. and watch her dialogue. then leave and come back. she'll be dead. go to the left and get a rose. place it down. the ??? cat talks. and you're done!

loitering: just go to her area. DO NOT LEAVE. she'll eventually kill you.

Gniretiol: keep exiting and leaving her area as quick as possible. the screen will invert and pixelate. then do the same thing as loitering.

dradnats: exit and leave. you know the drill. then do the same stuff as standard.

seilferif: exit and leave. leave. come back. she'll be dead. get the rose. she'll say "thats a little better?" "get 10" go click 10 fireflies. then hover over her.

late to the party: literally just stand there till it rains


IcyTea4 months ago

(SPOILERS) Great! For Standard though, you don’t necessarily need the rose (although it does give you different dialogue). Just leave and come back and touch her, triggering the ??? cat. To get The “Good” Ending, leave and come back after her dialogue when she’s dead, go left to get the rose, come back and click on her while holding the rose, leave again, and come back (she should be overgrown with vines). Also, to get ending 1.5, Standard?, just do Standard and click on Quiverpaw’s body after the ??? kitty leaves. Feel free to edit your comment with this information if you want!

also got ending 4!

I got ending 1 too

I got the third ending I am a pro ask my account on scratch if you need help it is @SCGmakezgamez

Also ending 2 ,


Quiverpaw sure is right, 2.13.2025 11:24 PM is a late time to be playing video games.

Hey can you make a clan game with the two cats and its happy please bc this is sad ngl but if not that's alr

The 8th ending isn't sad, It's very emotional if you didnt get that one yet. Its adorable

I got ending 7 and 3

(1 edit)

I got ending 2 and 1

I GOT IT ICYTEA YOURE A AMAZING DEV (I also just realized I've played most to all of your other games-)


i have found the endings 1 and 1.5, can someone please explain how to find the others?🥰

There's a list of hints in the description


What in the world there is ending 1.5 aaaahh! Ok I know im not old enough.

I'm curious as to what this "larger project" is. Very cool game.



This comment was made without knowing anything about the game!

It's like a full playthrough, but in text form. I love doing these.

I theorized a lot, and had a lot of... "misunderstandings"! :

The only thing I read, was... "there are 8 endings."

DUDEEE the "there are 8 endings" is such a great way to motivate curiosity

found ending 1.5, and i was like, "1.5...? i missed an ending already?"(later, i realized my excited-clicking got me this ending.)

then i found ending 2, with the rose.

and ending 1...

i only found (1, 1.5, & 2) endings!! OUT OF EIGHT?? so i started experimenting. A LOT.

clicking on the dead body was a game mechanic seen in ending 1.5

i realized that... the object used for the dead body is probably the same as the living cat.

which means, the living cat should be clickable... and...

it's... it's making sounds. there's audio feedback for this action. it's registering.

there it was. THE WORLD CHANGED. what. the amazing feeling of DISCOVERY

(later-writing: had to go back and forth to do this. instinctively did that because it seemed to reset the dialogue timer)

(later-later-writing: oh! you don't have to click at all. it's like deltarune's tree rooms.)

1.16.2025. 8:54 PM.



ok i got obliterated again after pestering quiverpaw so much in reversed-world.

ending 5... wow, that's like a reversed-2. anyway I MISSED ENDINGS 3 & 4??? need to find...

also, weird how ending 5's black screen, pressing M also doesn't bring up the endings tab...

there's another ending where you can still open M in the black screen, and there's sound in that screen too.

perhaps there's an ending in that one, by waiting!! but i waited there for like 5 minutes already...

alright, reversed-world standard ending... guess there's a new ending for each regular one.

YAY actually got to put the rose on reversed-quiverpaw. guess there's actual differences than just the ending dialogue.

ALSO it's probably "inversed" that i should be saying. not reversed. but reversed sounds cooler to me, and some text & music is reversed.

..."catch 10". alright, it's these lights. they blocked some clicks before so they had to be interactable eventually...

ending 6... wait, no? it's ending 4, according to M... maybe i misread? also, music is playing in this one too...

(later-writing: nvm M just shows amount of endings found. it IS ending 6.)

can there be an alternate-alternate world...? trying... doesn't seem to exist...

anyway, my thoughts on the story so far...! "it sure is tonight", "only a matter of time before we're all dead", some sort of deadly event happening at night... and westpaw's dreaming right now... maybe need to find a way to wake this cat up, and stop whatever's happening in the real night.

back to ending-hunting... i think quiverpaw's dead body had click-sound feedback?? didn't seem to do anything..

...still hunting... also, the reversed-world font is pretty unsettling.

still.. sad.. quiverpaw & westpaw's fate seem to be sealed, and now they're just expressing love for one another with the time they have left...

there has to be an ending, the "US" ending. keep hunting...

WHAT. okay, apparently i just never tried putting the flower on quiverpaw in regular-world!!

oh... quiverpaw's... talking... while being covered in vines..

"GOOD" in quotations... also, weird how clicking on the vined body seemed to mess with the music. need to investigate that more...

alright, approached reversed-quiverpaw with flower, and "???" says "so close, yet so far", progress...

...i wonder if westpaw is stuck/staying somewhere...? quiverpaw says they can just run away together... then starts talking about how westpaw "will be here." oh. but then "you best be getting back then"? hm...

oh, clicking on vined body doesn't mess up the music. it's just playing a long, pleasant sound...

vined body has a shine that seems to be blinking occasionally. 1, 2, or 3 times in a row. different times in between.

is it morse code??? i suck at morse code...

okay, before even trying morse code, i probably should sleep first. reversed-quiverpaw's only saying "leave" because i need to go to bed. soooo, quiverpaw can't say that once it's morning or something... i don't think reversed-quiverpaw'll just say "go eat breakfast". surely not... i think this is a good lead. i'll sleep and continue this later.

(fact: i did not go to sleep after typing that. and now reversed-quiverpaw's telling me it's too late to play videogames. it's not THAT late, right...?) (this could mean there's a different dialogue every hour...! should i... check?)

the time thing is awesome. this project's super inspirational...

also, text stopping whenever there's a : , or . is such a convenient way to handle text speed!! ima use that too, it's way easier than having to change speed everytime there's a bunch of dots. i need to experience so many people's games and learn from all of them...!

OK. before i sleep or eat dinner, i NEED to check one last thing. the final flashing-reds in reversed-world seems to last longer, and i wonder if that's the time to leave the room.

MY A KEY FELL OUT while trying to go left, and it killed me... trying again...

...what? it's just a dead body. where is westpaw? is westpaw off-screen? do i go west because they're 'westpaw'?

i've "moved" east for a while... then west... nothing's happening. what's with this? it's not considered an ending yet...

if this is consistent, then maybe i can do the same in the regular-world. if i count how long it takes for the red flashing to happen in reversed-world...

GOOGLE TIMER!! no, wait, i'll just. use a phone.

you know, if this is a dead end, i'm going to look like a real weirdo with too much time, for trying something so far-fetched.

alright, final red-flashing occurs around 5.57 seconds.

can't seem to move during the final-red flashing, starting to fear that in the regular-world, that's usually the moment westpaw gets killed. not trying to move doesn't cause... wait. am i just going to the other room and westpaw dies in the other room, and i'm actually seeing westpaw's body there? it'd make sense, since the body's on the right side of the screen... i wonder if it's a bug? not sure. i'll... try the timing thing, in the regular-world.

alright. i did it in the regular-world too, and it's westpaw's body. no more dialogue.

maybe it really is a bug...? (ok, i afk'd for a while and nothing happened)

though, while i was afk, and thinking... thinking about my choices. the rose seems to be most important...

could i keep the rose if i just restart after getting it? after all, the game can remember attempts.

if this isn't actually a thing, i'm definitely using that idea for a game.

NOOO it didn't keep the rose. i thought i actually had progress...!!

i think progress might be to get the rose to quiverpaw before death??

now i'm just walking left, hoping it'll send me to the rose room- WHAT. wait. WAIT



OH... oh.. my god.. the music.. im .. this is amazing. this is discovery. discovery.

tears in my eyes. sorry, but like, seriously. i'm amazed. i love this. i love this feeling. discovery.

it's raining.............


oh... wow. bones.

clicking it causes a blur...

ending 7.

alright. so.

i know what to do next. exactly what to do next.

the counterpart of this event... will be in the reversed-world.


...this will be it. "???" earlier told westpaw it was close, yet so far...

it's so close. i'll... stop typing. let me...

but i don't want this to end. i want this feeling of discovery. forever.


alright, quiverpaw room.. left, right, left, right, left, right...

reversed-world. oh. i triggered the first dialogue by mistake... restart, because returning to this room after the first dialogue is just death for quiverpaw.

aah! i said i'd sleep and see if the morning message changes things, but i think this is it!!

now. standing at the left side of the reversed-world starting room...

westpaw, can you see the rose, over there?

we'll save quiverpaw... just... wait...

...nothing's happening. walk left now.

okay. awkward. there's... nothing happening!! i was building it up to be the finale, and nothing happened...

well... hm. staying at the edge of a screen is a game mechanic, so... actually, is it?

afking in the center of the starting room is doing nothing. nvm. it did the rain.

it's not limited to waiting at the edge, huh.

then...? maybe the rain event is limited to the starting room.

could i wait with a flower in the starting room? that's post-quiverpaw-death though... i'll try.

but before that, let me see if i...

there it is.

flower. it's reachable during rain event, after checking on the corpse, just like regular-world and reversed-world.

i'd love to call it rain-world, but that's already a game name... okay, i'm calling it rain-world.

but yeah, the flower's there. this must be ending 8. or 7.5. i'm scared i'm missing a .5 somewhere...

...westpaw, you're not sure...?

alright, there might be a .5 depending on if i place the flower or approach with the flower. rose, i mean.

haha, it's... sickening, westpaw? sorry...

ending 7 again. i see. not 8, just yet...

not sure if it's in regular, reversed, or rain. rain-world-- okay. i entered rain-world from the room beyond the starting area.

hm... okay, approach with flower.

aw, i guess this ending is about westpaw abandoning quiverpaw... still an ending 7.

WHERE ARE YOU, ENDING 8...? WHERE'S THE "US" ENDING!! one last bit of discovery...

though, if ending 8 isn't even the "US" ending, there might be an 8.5.

also, the downloaded ending files. i only have those for endings 4 and 1.5? i wanted to check if "1.5" and "1" counted as one thing in M. huh... wonder what makes 4 & 1.5 special.

okay, can't enter reversed-world in rain-world...

all slain, all dead... massacre...

okay... can't get rain event to happen in reversed-world still.

i'm focusing on rain-world because "???" says that was close!!.. but far, huh...

anyway, it's another hour, i want to see quiverpaw joke about that! oh, no new dialogue for it, yet.

while i eat dinner, i need to think about this...

assuming there's an "US" ending, i need to.. okay, i can't just type while eating. let me just think.


while i eat and think, westpaw's just standing in front of reversed-quiverpaw's vined body, holding a flower.

i mean, maybe quiverpaw's playing dead. quiverpaw keeps talking even after death, so...

...nothing happened.

oh. i placed the flower after approaching with it. the effects don't seem intentional though...

sad that the flower's always only reachable after seeing the corpse. westpaw's too late.

running out of leads again... and my ideas are going to be far-fetched again, like:

maybe i can go from reversed-world to regular-world? is going back between rooms a mechanic used elsewhere...?

i'm going back and forth between all possible screens right now.

hey... when the rain cutscene happens, it blinks for a bit, before going there.

and i think i can move during those blinks.

going to try moving to quiverpaw's room when it blinks, since rain event also happens in the room before quiverpaw's.

the blinking is... similar to that time when westpaw would die in a different room.


i did it.

i'm in the rain area, and... quiverpaw's alive here.

but is it a glitch? i can't tell.


i haven't seen "I LOVE YOU" flicker like this before. is this... signs of intentionality?

actually, it might be a coincidence or something... idk...

after re-entering the room, quiverpaw's immediately bones.

what if i combine this blinking with the transition into reversed-world?

it'd... combine all three worlds. quiverpaw's aliveness, blue fireflies, and the rain...

need to try it. is it just a coincidence that all three world transitions are in one area?

this plan is so, so far-fetched. but now i'm waiting... on this 5th "rightward"...

okay. here it is. it's raining. it's blue. and quiverpaw's here...

but not the regular version. i guess that makes sense, since it's probably a filter effect...

this dialogue though... it's from reversed-quiverpaw.

does that say ending 3? that didn't really look like a 7... dead end... i think...

i guess i just managed to glitch the game. i tend to do that with games...

did westpaw's eyes shake a bit? am i just imagining things now? i had westpaw stand next to quiverpaw for a bit...

(later-writing: this was probably from me clicking on stuff! that blur effect.)

...trying to get rain to happen in post-death regular-world now, holding a rose. probably won't work.


FINE!! I'll. i'll sleep!!! i'll sleep and dream about westpaw's dream.


okay, it's morning now.

this game's music is very soothing... though now whenever i hear it, i feel a sense of dread.

i now associate this music with hours of trying to save quiverpaw and westpaw.

..anyway, i need to check reversed-quiverpaw's.. woops. it's rain-world. typed for too long.

hey... while i wait for this dialogue to show up...

reversed-quiverpaw's body flickers to a corpse sprite occasionally. if i leave when that happens...

would the rose appear?

good morning, quiverpaw. oh. still telling westpaw and i to leave. wowwwww.

alright. i need to check if my corpse idea is another far-fetched idea. the flickering doesn't seem consistent...

and the corpse-flicker is so fast! timing it just right seems impossible...

corpse-flickering is probably RNG, which might mean this idea's too far-fetched.

okay, i can quicken this process by just going back and forth, and hoping that in those few milliseconds, it'll flicker.

i think i did it. let me see... rose...? nope... okay, i definitely did it again, but still nope.

maybe i'm going about this the wrong way. i should look into the dialogue and story more.

"we could run away", huh... maybe instead of trying to bring the rose, westpaw needs to bring quiverpaw to the rose.

though how do i do that? doesn't quiverpaw plan to "always be here"?

why does going back and forth trigger reversed-world? i need to find the clue for that.

"Right, West?" ok. i have ANOTHER far-fetched idea. hold right while holding left.

nvm westpaw died.

I'll write down dialogues so I can compare...

Regular-world: [Dialogue removed for brevity]

wait... in regular-rain-world, there's a "..." after "I WOULDN'T CHANGE IT FOR THE WORLD."

huh? why...? why is it in a different order, and why does "I LOVE YOU" flicker?

...spacebar progresses text. clicking does too. does spacebar do something interesting?

by the way, holding left/west on the starting screen now. (lol doesn't do anything)

quiverpaw's walk cycle is cute and creatureyyy..

i'm trying the mobile version now, to see what controls are available during what segments.

didn't see much... now i'm looking at the background. clicking there. what if the killers are hiding in the shadows?

...ending 7 is "too late". need to find a point earlier than that...

what if the point of reversed-world is to prevent being able to click-spam quiverpaw too easily?

will count how long it takes for first dialogue to start, and then get out of the room before it happens...

about 3 seconds. ...... didn't do anything.

QUIVERPAW!! please just follow westpaw to the rose

maybe i'm focusing too much on the rose??

trying reversed-regular-rain-world with corpse-flicker. okay, couldn't get it this time, but...

aw, i thought i could trigger "CATCH 10" here. it's just rain-world's dialogue instead.

"ending 3: late to the party". or maybe that really does say "7". reversed-world's font.

ok i'll shush about all the detail-talking, need to write down what i've already done:

-The rain event takes a minute to start.

-The rain event timer continues while moving and switching rooms.

-The rain event timer pauses inside Quiverpaw's room.

-The rain event does not happen after Quiverpaw's first dialogue

-Rain-Quiverpaw is always dead. (Excluding world-merging, which is probably just a glitch)

-Leaving after the first dialogue kills Quiverpaw.

-Staying in Quiverpaw's room kills Westpaw.

-Before the first dialogue, entering Quiverpaw's room for the 5th time will cause reversed-world.

-The rain event does not happen in reversed-world. (Excluding world-merging)

-Leaving after the first dialogue kills Reversed-Quiverpaw

-Staying in Reversed-Quiverpaw's room kills Westpaw.

-Quiverpaw rose placements, regular/reversed/rain: "THAT'S A LITTLE BETTER." "THAT'S A LITTLE BETTER...?" "THAT'S A BIT SICKENING."- WAIT

oh my god.


new room. holy. there's that feeling of discovery again. and... new music.


have i seriously never tried this?? Quiverpaw was talking about moving on earlier, and i just didn't try it here...?

...THERE'S MORE CATS!!! HOLY CRAPPP THIS IS IT. HIIII. oh, it's... the past?

a cat not born in the clan... omg they're so cutefdjskf

ok that mentor sucks. OH THEY'RE SO HAPPY AWWHHH


seeing quiverpaw actually turn around for once... after being in this loop for so long...

after trying for so long to bring a rose to her. after trying for so long to bring her to the rose.

to get her away from whatever the danger was... this is amazing.

guilt... is quiverpaw not from the clan too? woops, i might've missed that in the story...

...i see... that red cat was westpaw's imagination of starclan.

...that's... the final messages were nice.

thank you for this experience.


Omg, thank you so much for writing this!! It was fascinating hearing your thought process while going through the game.

You came up with a lot of great ideas that I didn't even consider when making the game. The "holding onto the rose after restarting the game" idea especially is great. I might have to add another ending where you can do that lol.

The "merging worlds" thing is just a glitch. I intentionally made it so you can't access the rain world within the minus world, and vice versa, but now I'm thinking about adding more endings that let you do that. That would be fun :D

My intention with this game was that the player would see that they have limited controls at their disposal (clicking and walking), and use those controls in whatever out-of-the-box way they could think of to find the endings, and you've gone above and beyond and came up with things I never even thought about while making it lol. I thought I was finished coding this, but you've given me ideas for new endings. Thank you!!


!!yesss, the limited controls is such a good way to keep things simple for the player & coder

lol merging worlds is a cool glitch, it reminds me of stuff like Petscop's shadow staircase(i really love glitches used to make secrets)

thanks for reading, and good luck with future projects/everything!!

Deleted 37 days ago

They're called the Minus world and Futurescape actually. I also really loved this game and the ending made me cry multiple times... It's a great game with a great ending and I'm glad you really enjoyed it too!


ahh those world names make sense.. futurescape for waiting too long, seeing the future where quiverpaw's dead.

yeah the ending was great! the two cats being together was overwhelmingly cute

westpaw's confidence in herself is inspiring.

OHHH the last ending's only unlocked after everything else! okay, that's great design, making sure that the player experiences it at the right time...!

Deleted 37 days ago

girly you should try a YouTube channel, cuz this is some damn good story telling that I just read

how do you get "One Thing Left To Try" ending

found it, and now I'm traumatized it was so sad but, it's an amazing game 10/10

10/10 For a short horror game this is really good :)

..yeah i just finished the game, uh

i'm gonna go cry in the corner now

i just realized that dradnats and seilserif are something else spelled backwards- look at it

and gniretoil,forgot that one

I found out on computer if you hold down the M key it shows how many endings you have

Also amazing game btw

(1 edit)

Yall cool Thing: dont Talk too her, Go left and Back sometimes until its pixelated. Talk too her find her dead Grab the Rose Like normal and place it on her and Go left and back, then Talk too her again and Catch 10 fireflys until its dark and then..Talk too her again, i think thats the seilferif ending but idk, its very hard too read in my opinion

when i try and put the rose on her the dark forest cat comes

Click her BEFORE you walk up to her. If you walk up to her before you place it you just get the ending with different dialogue.

how do you catch 10 fireflys? i've tried it many times but it doesnt work. :(



i actually need someone to walk me through the good ending-- ive tried like 18 times now SOMEONE HALP

(2 edits)

Let her speak, walk left one and then back to find her dead. Don't approach her body, go to the left three times and grab the rose. Go back and place it on her body, then walk left and back again. Approach her body. Make sure not to walk up to her until you've placed it AND walked away then back.

In case you're still confused I have a video of the ending on youtube. Just search for it. Hope this helped.

whats your channel?

Something That Exists. (Very creative name, I know)

Hi, can anyone make my oc please🙏 ? 

Personality: Kind, loyal, sweet, swift

Pronouns: she/her

Name: Wishstar/pool (usually goes by the name Wishpool) 

Backstory: She was found abandoned in a pit, and she was saved by a group of Thunderclan and Skyclan warriors. Her adoptive mother is Moonflower and she was the first leader of Starclan. She is very talented and has the authority to stop any battle in its tracks, she has a secret power to control light and shadow giving her the ability to control cats.

guidelines: she is a gray tabby tuxedo, and her eyes are one green and one blue Very fluffy

somewhat of reference:

Would he be considered a tabby tuxedo? : r/TuxedoCats


(2 edits)

This game is CRIMINALLY underrated. I realized there weren't any videos about it on youtube and posted my own. It's a recording of the final ending so there will be spoilers. I can't wait for the bigger project.

(1 edit) (+1)

I LOVED THIS! I was jumpscared when the music stopped as I stopped InFRONT…. of quiverpaws body but yknow I luv dis typ3 of stUFFFFF , ITS JUST SO GOOD I CANT GET OVER ITTTTTTTT! ITS MWAAAAHHHHHHHHH EEEEE I LUV IT SDHUIDBUISHIUUHDD XDDDDDD.

I cant replay it now >:( 

I mean yippee I finished da game :3

(1 edit)

U can! It just takes a while , but u gotta let it sit for a bit , I tried it and it worked <333 (I hope I didn’t ruin the fun for anything! And if I did just lemme know and I’ll stup <3)

do you mean staying in the game or just wait a few days?

I mean like 2 minutes or so! Hope it helped if it works!

How do you get late to the party

sit till it rains. then go to her

(1 edit)

ToT why me quiverpaw you traitor 

what did you make it with?

how do I get dradnats ending

what I wanna know is why quiverpaw is yellow when she's dead instead of tan-


i can't get the last ending ike its 7/8 endings


how do i get standard with the question mark? (standard?)





u click on quiverpaw when she's ded to get it. you do standard(you spawn, walk, talk to her and then go out and then come back, touch her, ??? talks) after ?? talks you click on her.

ah ok


I FINISHED THE GAME.. that was so beautiful..


How do you get 'Loitering?'

(2 edits) (-1)


Stand there on her screen for a while.

stay with quincepaw and don’t leave

Dont leave when quiverpaw tells you to

how do you get the last ending?

(one thing left to try)

I have all the other endings.

(1 edit) (-1)


Put rose on her then walk past her to the right.

You do need all other endings though.

incan’t once I finish one ending it doesn’t let me do it again

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