This is WishingSkies, a she-cat born to a clan of cats known as RavenClan, who have settled in a forest that doesn't know the sun, with the giant, thick leaved trees blocking out the sky. Born to a clan of dark pelted cats, and born to her mother SandFoot and with a unknown father, things didn't seem like they'd turn out well for this young she, as war was admist her and her next door clan, BranchClan, who thought RavenClans ways were cruel. Being the black sheep of the clan, WishingSkies young life was hard, being apprenticed a whole 2 moons earlier than her dark-blue pelted sister, RushingSpirit. Under her cruel and aggressive mentor, she learned to fight and hunt, but mainly had to eat whatever she caught extra, sometimes eating nothing at all, well her sister was being taught that WishingSkies would eventually turn against her, making WishingSkies isolated in her own clan and kin. That's when battle struck, just after her and her sister had been named warriors. BranchClan, determined to end this war once and for all, attacked RavenClan's camp. That's when WishingSkies saw RushingSpirit, her sister, being aggressively attacked by the BranchClan deputy, who was known to be way too aggressive and sometimes, even cruel. The BranchClan deputy, OwlDusk, dove forward to deliver a killing bite, but WishingSkies lunged forward, effectively stopping OwlDusk, but instead getting bit in the throat. Collapsing, the last thing she saw was her sister glowing blue eyes, gleaming with sorrow and pain, whispering sorries over and over again to WishingSkies as she tried to stop the bleeding. But it was too late. WishingSkies, heading up to Starclan, took one last glance at her sister, before disappearing into the clouds, where she now forever watches her sister, who had become a med cat after the incident, until it's RushingSpirits turn to join her sister once more.
Shadowwhisker, a elusive tom whom whenever it turns dark he runs through stealing food and kits from clans, he is a rouge, whom usually runs when seen, but if your a easy fight he will kill. Him and his mother, and mate all live out in the forest. Elders share tongues warily, many kits and warriors alike spend sleepless nights, there have been 10 sightings in the last 5 years.. he's cold and threatening at first, but when approached correctly he can be very protective, he also has trust issues since being mauled by his own dad.. he loves his mother dearly, he is a charming 50 moon old tom. Whispers of this night killer creep through all camps, a feared, charismatic, protective, cold, cut-throat, nocturnal, tom.
Woodstar is a graceful brown she-cat with a mix of dark brown and pale brown patches, bright golden-yellow eyes, fluffy fur, and a bushy tail.
Woodstar is the current leader of ThunderClan (In my Warriors Universe). Woodkit was born to Gorseflower (Mother) and Eagleswoop (Father) alongside her littermates, Sandykit (Sister), Mudkit (Brother), & Oakkit (Brother). Woodkit and her littermates never got the chance to know their father, Eagleswoop, because he was killed by a badger a half-moon after finding out that he and Gorseflower were expecting kits. When Woodkit and her littermates reached the age of six moons, they were renamed to Sandypaw, Mudpaw, Oakpaw, and Woodpaw, and Woodpaw was mentored by Rootstem. Woodpaw was eager to learn everything that it takes to be a warrior, but she listened to her mentor's directions very well, and was learning relatively quickly. Because of Woodpaw learning quickly, she was named a warrior earlier than her littermates, and was granted the name of Wooddapple. Wooddapple was on a solo hunting patrol when she found an abandoned kit near Sunningrocks, and decided to raise the kit as her own with the help of her mother, Gorseflower. Unfortunately, tragedy struck a moon later when Robinkit (the kit Wooddapple adopted) asked Wooddapple to go to the moonstone after hearing stories about it. Wooddapple was hesitant at first, but then she reluctantly agreed as long as she went with the kit to supervise her. They were walking along the river on their way to the Moonstone when Robinkit accidentally fell in. Wooddapple leapt into the river to save the kit, but to no avail. Wooddapple woke up in Blueberry's (Medicine Cat) den a few sundowns later to receive the heartbreaking news that Robinkit had drowned. Wooddapple was devastated by the death of her adopted kit that she isolated herself from the Clan for 12 quarter-moons and refused to participate in patrols and to groom herself, but thanks to the comfort of one of Wooddapple's clanmates, Jayflight, she was able to move on. Wooddapple received her first and only apprentice, Ivypaw, but the young apprentice died shortly afterward from unknown causes. A few moons later, tragedy struck again when Wooddapple's mother, Gorseflower, died in a deadly greencough pandemic. When Nectarstar's deputy, Moonmask, was killed by Redtalon and after the traitor's banishment, Wooddapple was chosen to be the new deputy, and Wooddapple and Jayflight became mates. Wooddapple later gave birth to Jayflight's kits, Bristlekit, Eaglekit, Pinekit, & Sedgekit, so Jayflight acted as deputy temporarily until the kits were apprenticed. While Wooddapple was nursing her kits, she went through tragedy 4 more times when her former mentor, Rootstem, died from her old age, when her brother, Mudpatch, fell off a tree and broke his neck, resulting in his death, when her sister, Sandystorm, died while giving birth to a RiverClan tom's kits, and when her brother, Oaknose, was carried off by a hawk. After Wooddapple and Jayflight's kits were apprenticed, Wooddapple returned to her deputy duties. Tragedy struck once more when Nectarstar sacrificed his last life to save Wooddapple's kit, Eaglepaw, from being killed by a fox. Wooddapple went to the moonstone with Blueberry's apprentice, Jadeshine, to receive her nine lives. Wooddapple receives her nine lives consisting the gifts of love, given to her by her mother, Gorseflower, courage, given to her by her father, Eagleswoop, resilience, given to her by her sister, Sandystorm, compassion, given to her by her brother, Mudpatch, strength, given to her by her brother, Oaknose, wisdom, given to her by her mentor, Rootstem, hope, given to her by her former apprentice, Ivypaw, joy, given to her by her adopted kit, Robinkit, and leadership, given to her by her predecessor, Nectarstar, and is renamed to Woodstar. After her ceremony, Woodstar leads ThunderClan with her wisdom, nobility, and faith. She allows a family of kittypets to join ThunderClan after they were neglected and abandoned by Twolegs, forgives one of her Clanmates after he developed a forbidden relationship with a WindClan warrior, but later broke it up after realizing his loyalty to his Clan was more important than his love of the WindClan warrior, gives her kits the warrior names of Bristlethorn, Eaglebreeze, Pinedusk, and Sedgeleaf, leads her Clan to numerous gatherings, etc. Woodstar continues to serve as ThunderClan's leader with dignity and bravery despite going through several tragedies in her lifetime.
Name: Wishstar/pool (usually goes by the name Wishpool)
Backstory: She was found abandoned in a pit, and she was saved by a group of Thunderclan and Skyclan warriors. Her adoptive mother is Moonflower and she was the first leader of Starclan. She is very talented and has the authority to stop any battle in its tracks, she has a secret power to control light and shadow giving her the ability to control cats.
guidelines: she is a gray tabby tuxedo, and her eyes are one green and one blue Very fluffy
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Yass hes so prettyy
The sister of main oc, meet RushingSpirit, a warrior who became a med cat shortly after her sister, WishingSkies, death.
This is WishingSkies, a she-cat born to a clan of cats known as RavenClan, who have settled in a forest that doesn't know the sun, with the giant, thick leaved trees blocking out the sky. Born to a clan of dark pelted cats, and born to her mother SandFoot and with a unknown father, things didn't seem like they'd turn out well for this young she, as war was admist her and her next door clan, BranchClan, who thought RavenClans ways were cruel. Being the black sheep of the clan, WishingSkies young life was hard, being apprenticed a whole 2 moons earlier than her dark-blue pelted sister, RushingSpirit. Under her cruel and aggressive mentor, she learned to fight and hunt, but mainly had to eat whatever she caught extra, sometimes eating nothing at all, well her sister was being taught that WishingSkies would eventually turn against her, making WishingSkies isolated in her own clan and kin. That's when battle struck, just after her and her sister had been named warriors. BranchClan, determined to end this war once and for all, attacked RavenClan's camp. That's when WishingSkies saw RushingSpirit, her sister, being aggressively attacked by the BranchClan deputy, who was known to be way too aggressive and sometimes, even cruel. The BranchClan deputy, OwlDusk, dove forward to deliver a killing bite, but WishingSkies lunged forward, effectively stopping OwlDusk, but instead getting bit in the throat. Collapsing, the last thing she saw was her sister glowing blue eyes, gleaming with sorrow and pain, whispering sorries over and over again to WishingSkies as she tried to stop the bleeding. But it was too late. WishingSkies, heading up to Starclan, took one last glance at her sister, before disappearing into the clouds, where she now forever watches her sister, who had become a med cat after the incident, until it's RushingSpirits turn to join her sister once more.
Shadowwhisker, a elusive tom whom whenever it turns dark he runs through stealing food and kits from clans, he is a rouge, whom usually runs when seen, but if your a easy fight he will kill. Him and his mother, and mate all live out in the forest. Elders share tongues warily, many kits and warriors alike spend sleepless nights, there have been 10 sightings in the last 5 years.. he's cold and threatening at first, but when approached correctly he can be very protective, he also has trust issues since being mauled by his own dad.. he loves his mother dearly, he is a charming 50 moon old tom. Whispers of this night killer creep through all camps, a feared, charismatic, protective, cold, cut-throat, nocturnal, tom.
Woodstar is a graceful brown she-cat with a mix of dark brown and pale brown patches, bright golden-yellow eyes, fluffy fur, and a bushy tail.
Woodstar is the current leader of ThunderClan (In my Warriors Universe). Woodkit was born to Gorseflower (Mother) and Eagleswoop (Father) alongside her littermates, Sandykit (Sister), Mudkit (Brother), & Oakkit (Brother). Woodkit and her littermates never got the chance to know their father, Eagleswoop, because he was killed by a badger a half-moon after finding out that he and Gorseflower were expecting kits. When Woodkit and her littermates reached the age of six moons, they were renamed to Sandypaw, Mudpaw, Oakpaw, and Woodpaw, and Woodpaw was mentored by Rootstem. Woodpaw was eager to learn everything that it takes to be a warrior, but she listened to her mentor's directions very well, and was learning relatively quickly. Because of Woodpaw learning quickly, she was named a warrior earlier than her littermates, and was granted the name of Wooddapple. Wooddapple was on a solo hunting patrol when she found an abandoned kit near Sunningrocks, and decided to raise the kit as her own with the help of her mother, Gorseflower. Unfortunately, tragedy struck a moon later when Robinkit (the kit Wooddapple adopted) asked Wooddapple to go to the moonstone after hearing stories about it. Wooddapple was hesitant at first, but then she reluctantly agreed as long as she went with the kit to supervise her. They were walking along the river on their way to the Moonstone when Robinkit accidentally fell in. Wooddapple leapt into the river to save the kit, but to no avail. Wooddapple woke up in Blueberry's (Medicine Cat) den a few sundowns later to receive the heartbreaking news that Robinkit had drowned. Wooddapple was devastated by the death of her adopted kit that she isolated herself from the Clan for 12 quarter-moons and refused to participate in patrols and to groom herself, but thanks to the comfort of one of Wooddapple's clanmates, Jayflight, she was able to move on. Wooddapple received her first and only apprentice, Ivypaw, but the young apprentice died shortly afterward from unknown causes. A few moons later, tragedy struck again when Wooddapple's mother, Gorseflower, died in a deadly greencough pandemic. When Nectarstar's deputy, Moonmask, was killed by Redtalon and after the traitor's banishment, Wooddapple was chosen to be the new deputy, and Wooddapple and Jayflight became mates. Wooddapple later gave birth to Jayflight's kits, Bristlekit, Eaglekit, Pinekit, & Sedgekit, so Jayflight acted as deputy temporarily until the kits were apprenticed. While Wooddapple was nursing her kits, she went through tragedy 4 more times when her former mentor, Rootstem, died from her old age, when her brother, Mudpatch, fell off a tree and broke his neck, resulting in his death, when her sister, Sandystorm, died while giving birth to a RiverClan tom's kits, and when her brother, Oaknose, was carried off by a hawk. After Wooddapple and Jayflight's kits were apprenticed, Wooddapple returned to her deputy duties. Tragedy struck once more when Nectarstar sacrificed his last life to save Wooddapple's kit, Eaglepaw, from being killed by a fox. Wooddapple went to the moonstone with Blueberry's apprentice, Jadeshine, to receive her nine lives. Wooddapple receives her nine lives consisting the gifts of love, given to her by her mother, Gorseflower, courage, given to her by her father, Eagleswoop, resilience, given to her by her sister, Sandystorm, compassion, given to her by her brother, Mudpatch, strength, given to her by her brother, Oaknose, wisdom, given to her by her mentor, Rootstem, hope, given to her by her former apprentice, Ivypaw, joy, given to her by her adopted kit, Robinkit, and leadership, given to her by her predecessor, Nectarstar, and is renamed to Woodstar. After her ceremony, Woodstar leads ThunderClan with her wisdom, nobility, and faith. She allows a family of kittypets to join ThunderClan after they were neglected and abandoned by Twolegs, forgives one of her Clanmates after he developed a forbidden relationship with a WindClan warrior, but later broke it up after realizing his loyalty to his Clan was more important than his love of the WindClan warrior, gives her kits the warrior names of Bristlethorn, Eaglebreeze, Pinedusk, and Sedgeleaf, leads her Clan to numerous gatherings, etc. Woodstar continues to serve as ThunderClan's leader with dignity and bravery despite going through several tragedies in her lifetime.
Tribe cat!
if you guys want I can make your oc!
And finally Rosekit
Meet Moonpaw
Meet Dovkit one of spotails and blackscars kits!
mEet spotail new newmoons long lost sister
Meet New moon
How do you make more then one cat?
I Made a cool cat named ShrewTuft, she's the deputy of ThunderClan, but I couldn't figure out how to put her picture here... But I love this game!
I made her dad, Biscuit. I'll try and figure out how to do pictures. :)
FOUND OUT HOW TO DO PICTURES!!! this is Biscuit!
And this is ShrewTuft!
And here's ShrewTuft's mum! MouseLeap!
(She's a medicine cat .... 😬)
Some random cat i made, will be making his mate and kits soon ^^
oops he's meant to have another sibling named Quickleap, whoops
Here is his mate! will do the kits later because im tired,
He is barley 1 year old!
12 moons is 1 year
how do you put your cat in?Happy Holidays!!!!
i hope u guys like her
Do you read wings of fure?
No, why? Did I use a character's name on accident again? (I've done that in WCUE before)
I love this game so much!
Hi, can anyone make my oc please🙏 ?
Personality: Kind, loyal, sweet, swift
Pronouns: she/her
Name: Wishstar/pool (usually goes by the name Wishpool)
Backstory: She was found abandoned in a pit, and she was saved by a group of Thunderclan and Skyclan warriors. Her adoptive mother is Moonflower and she was the first leader of Starclan. She is very talented and has the authority to stop any battle in its tracks, she has a secret power to control light and shadow giving her the ability to control cats.
guidelines: she is a gray tabby tuxedo, and her eyes are one green and one blue Very fluffy
somewhat of reference:
I did it for you.
And another from the tribe of rushing water
I like the name!
Here is mine!
i love the fur design
Her fur is actually beautiful.