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(hello basically lol)

Henlo to you too!

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Thai game is so good!

oh hi #1warriorcatsfan! 

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hi :D

Thank you!

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hi I’m new to the game!


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That has to be my favorite pelt/eye color, it's so adorable! 



im new to this game! it looks fun

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Hey icy!! its me the one and only Bramblestarfan!!!!! Luv da game <3 hope ya dont mind that i remixed your lotus animation.Cuz it looks so much like mah oc Lotus <3 oh btw im a big fan of u galaxy mossy and amberkitti! <3 i made 4 remixes

Hi Bramblestarfan :) Thank you!! And yeah, I appreciate the remixes :D

AHH THIS IS SO GOOD and the arts amazing

Thank you!! :D

np you're art looks amazing

my kit is green theres two their ugly ;-;


At Moonlight Island, two panels left of Starlight

Ice i heard this but i dont get it,

wait who do you get over the river

Talk to Curt when you're an apprentice

ty i have been drowing for  12 mins straight lol

No problem xD

one min into the game and im dead lol

how'd you die?


same, i died by an eagle




I honestly really enjoy this game. What i like the most about it is, the character customization isnt like other games! Most games either have a few skins you can select from or you can create it yourself, but in this game, its completely randomized! I think thats what makes me enjoy this game so much because the creator tries something new and different. Its a breath of fresh air honestly

the thing I would say about this game that I dislike the most though.. its only really like a minor issue tbh. During the hunting section of training, aometimes ill miss the prey and itll take suuuch a long time to spawn in more or it'll just never spawn more in. Sometimes its to the point where i need to restart the game to try and get my 5 pieces of prey 

but that's really my only problem with the game. I look forward to seeing more about this game on the future and learning about the characters more, the story youre trying to tell really grabs my attention like no other game.

Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it! I really appreciate the comment :D

For the hunting, make sure you stay in the same area while you’re waiting for prey to spawn, because each time you move to a new area, prey will spawn in 5 to 10 seconds if I remember correctly. Hope this helps!


When i generate a coat and eye color I just get aggresive feelings Aand i love it and hate it at the same time xD I love daylight

How long does it take for you to have kittens once your mate asks you? And if you're a medicine cat (female) can you have kits?

You're a lynx

If I remember correctly, it takes 2 or 3 minutes. And yes, you can have kits if you're a healer

It's funny, when your eye is behind a message like when your mate says "Good morning honey ^^ What are you going to do today?" your eye just pops out like "YOU ARE NOT HIDING ME!"

Oh, when you are on patrol, go to the left/right all the way, then when you turn back your eye glitches for a second lol. The eye always wants to be the most interesting xD

Okay, think I'm finding all the weird split-second visuals lol, when your mate says the same thing, if you have a scarf or leg wrap or head acc, or anything, it glitches through the chat box, all the accs and your eye loves being the center of glitches and attention lol


You know why I like this game? Because the developer actually responds to comments. I know mossy is busy, and there are a lot of comments, and that's not his fault, it's just a nice touch :)

Thanks! I try my best lol


mossy responds now he is no longer busy

Why does cart gives me the feeling he's a lynx version of the one that played the piano and the frog fell in love with him from romeo and juliet xD

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How do I date a lynx in the game or is that not coded yet?



Lynx is my 2nd fav under wolves :)

hehe so smoll

how are they so smol?

genuinly confused, how did you even manage this?? 




are you supposed to be able to read the books in the cafe because I can't 

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No, IcyTea hasn't coded them yet.

when i killed the elk the body was the fox body and when i killed the fox the body was the elk body.

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I noticed that every time I try to play it reloads and I have to restart. I’m not trying to be a Karen but it’s really annoying and I hope you can fix it.

I found a glitch, in the herb garden, you can't pick the final three herbs on the snow up, no matter what stage of growth they are in

Yeah, I'm not sure what's causing that. It's purely visual though; you still get the herb in your inventory (and it fixes if you leave and come back to the area)

oh ok, thanks!

I discovered it actually doesn't put it in your inventory (at least for me) so idk, but when I come back, it has disappeared.


Oh and 3. how do you play with your kit



1. can you become leader

2. can your kits grow up

Not yet for either of them, sorry

When you have the bar filled up when does your mate come to your nest bed?

Your mate always comes to your bed. Make sure you’ve given them a diamond to propose to them (from the cafe once you’re a citizen)

ok thxz

they think it's funny when I try to give them the diamond lol 🤣

You have to be dating them first. Make sure your relationship is 4 stars, then give them a bouquet from the cafe, and then once your relationship is 4 hearts, give them the diamond :)

oh ok thxz :3

Everybody is here! Birchy, Silent, Birchy...

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Wait, you said my name twice. LOL. What's up Bubbly?

It was because I saw nobody else lol, the list repeated

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Oh lol

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I made a Roblox! (I'm NOT downloading the app, just doing online, so I can't play WCUE with you... when I'm a Scratcher I can play West Woods Multiplayer though)

yay! what's ur username?

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Oh, it's a few peeps that I chat with over on the KtL comments, and padlets lol

I know I'm asking so many questions but how do I learn to heal?

Pick herbs at the garden and sell them at the medicine den (click on the shelves)

Thanks! I also realized you can heal yourself, which gives a bit, but selling them seems much faster lol

How do I go on patrol?

Talk to Curt, then go all the way to the right where Tallgrass is sitting


But why does curt has glasses? he gives me ghome vibes

Oh nevermind, I'm just dumb, I kept going back and forth when you need to wait lol

I can't find any prey; I catch one and I can't find more

I keep drowning because I forget to learn to swim lol

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The random appearance is driving me crazy with the dice but i do like the game

I died three ways 1 drowned 2 frozen ti death 3 by moose which was burned to death 🤣

There should be a story mode ^^

How do you burn to death??

go to the woods and find a moose attack it and lose 

Oh, ok thank you!

your welcome 


Oops, I should fix the burned to death moose thing, that’s not supposed to happen xD

And yeah, I hope to add story quests in the future!

I found it funny and the death was by accident 🤣

hey, -icytea- I have a question, is it ok if me and you could code a game together? I'm a horrible coder and I need help...I just I would really like to make my first game but I don't know how...could you maybe help me? if you say yes, I will talk to you about the ideas and stuff I have, if you say no. then that's fine.

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how do u have kits?? love the game btw!!


Thank you! When your relationship bar is full with your mate, keep going to sleep in your nest and they’ll eventually ask if you want kits


Ty!! I've been wondering for so long <3


I just realized that two of my favorite games (Kit to Leader and Cattails: Wildwood Story (Which I literally got a computer just so I could play it)) and my favorite book series (Warriors) are inspirations for this. Guess I made the right choice in deciding to play!

What do you do in the game after you become a Citizen (Hunter/Warrior/Healer)?

Not much, but I’m hoping to add more in the future. You can get a mate and kits, though

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