You need a cat that is 4-star in relationship, you also need a bouquet to get a mate with (4-star relationship cat needed), you can buy it in Java's Cafe, once you already have mated. You can click on your mate to interact everyday, if your mate have 4 hearts in relationship menu, you need to buy a heart-shaped diamond from Java's Cafe, to marry your mate. Also, you will have kits by clicking your mate in your den or outside, BOOM! Here you go!
In order to get a mate, you need to give them presents/gifts (eg: Prey, stuff you found on the floor etc etc...) then, when you go into your inventory, there will be four cats with stars besides them. When one of those cat's stars are all shaded in, you have to buy them a flower thingy from the cafe (What's the flower thingy called again? Anyways..) then, they will become ur bf! Do the same thing again but instead of a flower thingy, (fLoWeR tHiNgY) replace it with a diamond u buy at a cafe and if you have 4 hearts, BOOM! You're married :3
In order to turn an elk skin into an ACC, kill in first and go into your inventory located on the top right, then, equip the "fox pelt" (I'm not sure if it starts with fox but it ends with pelt xd) and when you equip the pelt, click on the pelt again (Like literally, don't go into the inventory, just click on the pelt your holding.
If you go afk for a bit and the temperature is 60 degrees, you will freeze to death! In order to prevent this from happening ever again, pause the game next to the green flag then boom! In order to unpause, click the pause button and problem solved!
I really love this game, I actually got it by accident and it introduced me to the Warriors Cats universe, so thanks for that. I just want to know, how long do Kits take to grow?
Go to the end of the forest, buy the ticket to the boat, then enter the cave and go to the crystal room, exchange it for a diamond that they sell there and the ghost will revive you.
Have all the friendship to the maximum, buy a bouquet of flowers in the cafeteria and give it to the friend you want, with maximum relationship, then it will advance and when you have all the hearts buy the diamond from the cafeteria, propose and that's it.
Then I accidentally entered 'IcyTea' in promo code, and I got turned into IcyTea. I had to change my name and dye my fur to turn back to normal. *sigh* 110 coins down the drain
What do the numbers above kits's heads mean? Also, do their health bars do anything? Love this game btw, unsure if it's possible to end the winter though?
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Does anyone know how you become mates w/ someone? Or what cats ur able to be mates w/?
You need a cat that is 4-star in relationship, you also need a bouquet to get a mate with (4-star relationship cat needed), you can buy it in Java's Cafe, once you already have mated. You can click on your mate to interact everyday, if your mate have 4 hearts in relationship menu, you need to buy a heart-shaped diamond from Java's Cafe, to marry your mate. Also, you will have kits by clicking your mate in your den or outside, BOOM! Here you go!
I hope, this helps!
TYSM, i was looking for this post lol
The whole kits part is a little unclear, I have max rank on mated but clicking on them just gives dialogue. Is there something I missed?
Keep going to sleep in your nest, and they’ll eventually ask
Thank you!
You’re welcome!
MayB, jus train w/ a boy I guess….
Does anyone know where ginger went? Cause it's telling me to find my mentor but I cant seem to find out where she went
listened to the heathers soundtrack playing, absolute vibe!!
How I can have a mate?
What I typed below below :D
how do u even get a mate in the game? Lol.
In order to get a mate, you need to give them presents/gifts (eg: Prey, stuff you found on the floor etc etc...) then, when you go into your inventory, there will be four cats with stars besides them. When one of those cat's stars are all shaded in, you have to buy them a flower thingy from the cafe (What's the flower thingy called again? Anyways..) then, they will become ur bf! Do the same thing again but instead of a flower thingy, (fLoWeR tHiNgY) replace it with a diamond u buy at a cafe and if you have 4 hearts, BOOM! You're married :3
What I typed below :3
how do you turn elk skin into acc?
In order to turn an elk skin into an ACC, kill in first and go into your inventory located on the top right, then, equip the "fox pelt" (I'm not sure if it starts with fox but it ends with pelt xd) and when you equip the pelt, click on the pelt again (Like literally, don't go into the inventory, just click on the pelt your holding.
What hapens if you break up with someone you have kits with? not looking to but just wondering
I'm pretty sure the kits stay the same as well as your mate.
Hi, can you add a save system to the game like save & load, i would love it! :)
a mobile friendly one too!Pretty please Icytea!
good idea
i would love that update idea! :D
There’s already a mobile-friendly setting in the menu
Oh, sorry if im very dumb :( 🙏
You’re good!
also sorry!
What's going on???
its in leaders den. maybe a leader ceremony???
Ummm what the sigma
There’s an eye!
it glitched!
I cannot move!
and you choose your own name!
when you’re dead as a kit by drowning you don’t need to learn to swim when you’re revived from the dead!
how to load game?
I stopped playing and then I don’t know why I died.
That’s freezing to death-
If you go afk for a bit and the temperature is 60 degrees, you will freeze to death! In order to prevent this from happening ever again, pause the game next to the green flag then boom! In order to unpause, click the pause button and problem solved!
How long does it take for your kits to grow up?
they never grow up
I thought they did
is it in the game? Or in warriors?
the white one’s deaf, bluebell!
All the lynxes expect for Sunny (that's her name right?) r looking at you and Ridge disapprovingly lol
Awww! So cute!
how to stop winter? How abou the quests and the crystal?
how romantic!
Agh, Ridge is so cute.
Like in Bluestar's Prophecy!
and this!
ha ha
Broooo you got a bf while ur an apprentice? It never lets me do thattttttt! When I try they just say, "does know about this?"
Do I have to play on computer?
No, there’s a mobile option in the menu
I really love this game, I actually got it by accident and it introduced me to the Warriors Cats universe, so thanks for that. I just want to know, how long do Kits take to grow?
If they're your own kits, I don't think that making them grow up is coded in yet.
Hey, how can I revive? I know where I need to go, but I don't know where the crystal is and how to get it
Go to the end of the forest, buy the ticket to the boat, then enter the cave and go to the crystal room, exchange it for a diamond that they sell there and the ghost will revive you.
How do I get a mate?
Have all the friendship to the maximum, buy a bouquet of flowers in the cafeteria and give it to the friend you want, with maximum relationship, then it will advance and when you have all the hearts buy the diamond from the cafeteria, propose and that's it.
Awesome game! Can't wait for the next update!
I just wanna be part of your ✨SyMpHoNy ✨ 🐬
A mosquito can fly but a fly can't mosquito,If you stab a cereal box are you a seriallkiller?? Did you know that I breathe water and drink air??
what is wrong with you...
(imma continue the lyrics.)
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
i love that song
Oh my gosh.
On border patrol, I met Moonkitti.
Then I accidentally entered 'IcyTea' in promo code, and I got turned into IcyTea. I had to change my name and dye my fur to turn back to normal. *sigh* 110 coins down the drain
The promo code thing was just me guessing.
im terrible at hunting bruhhhh
What do the numbers above kits's heads mean? Also, do their health bars do anything? Love this game btw, unsure if it's possible to end the winter though?
That last name tho 💀
Don't worry abt it we all have our interests