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Awesome game! Can't wait for the next update!

I just wanna be part of your ✨SyMpHoNy ✨ 🐬

A mosquito can fly but a fly can't mosquito,If you stab a cereal box are you a seriallkiller?? Did you know that I breathe water and drink air??

(imma continue the lyrics.)

Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

Oh my gosh.

On border patrol, I met Moonkitti.

Then I accidentally entered 'IcyTea' in promo code, and I got turned into IcyTea. I had to change my name and dye my fur to turn back to normal. *sigh* 110 coins down the drain

The promo code thing was just me guessing.

im terrible at hunting bruhhhh


What do the numbers above kits's heads mean? Also, do their health bars do anything? Love this game btw, unsure if it's possible to end the winter though?

one question, why am i the only one with a prefix and suffix? everone else is sunshine, rocky, or cinnamon.

No have you even read the text of Oak when you're ceromony happens there first names if for short they prob don't want to say there full name all the time.

(1 edit)

Okay maybe i dont want to read a paragraph? so why be mean. there is no point of being mean just becuase i asked a stupid question, sorry if i offened you, but maybe you should be a little nicer, thanks. 

Deleted 4 days ago
(5 edits)


How to get kits?

(1 edit) (-1)
how do yall get kits? I already have a mate btw

How to get kits?

You have to sleep in your nest after you have a five ring relationship with your mate until they ask you if you want to have kits

Do the kits ever grow? I've pretty much "completed" the game it was fun!

How do you complete the game???

What the-my name is sloe-mock! what?1

So, the rain outside lowers you health, when does it stop?

My name: Mocking heart.

Mate: Dusk shadow.

kits (4): she-kit, tom, tom, she-kit.

''I'm feather's less important sister, Misty.'' (gives off Dovewing and Ivypool vibes)


fr thooo!!

How do I read the scroll/book thing???

How do I end the Endless Winter??? Someone plz help

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